
What Might It Take To Operate And Repair Human Broken Jaw Due To Trauma

Pernicious anaemia

Jordi Pons, the medical student from Barcelona, has made some language notes in his textbook.Pernicious anaemia (PA) is a condition in which there is atrophy of the gastric mucosa with consistent failure of intrinsic cistron production and vitamin B malabsorption. The onset is insidious, with progressively increasing symptoms of anaemia. Patients are sometimes said to accept a lemon-yellow colour owing to a combination of pallor and mild jaundice caused by excessive breakup of haemoglobin because of ineffective red cell production in the os marrow. A red sore tongue (glossitis) is sometimes present. Patients present with symmetricalparaesthesiae in the fingers and toes, early loss of vibration sense, and progressive weakness and ataxia. The spleen may be palpable.

onset = beginning

insidious = slowly developing

pallor = lack of colour

mild = slight

jaundice = bilirubinaemia

breakdown = partitioning into smaller parts

bone marrow = soft tissue in the cavity of basic

symmetrical = each side the same

vibration sense = ability to feel vibrations

progressive = continuing to develop

palpable = can be felt with the hand


1.Observe words in the box with opposite meanings. Expect at B and C to help you.

acceptable unlikely mild common insidious for against astringent rare sudden inadequate likely

bone differential insidious iron pernicious progressively vibration diagnosis sense onset marrow increasing deficiency anaemia

2.Make word combinations using a word from each box. Look at B and C to help you.

3.Complete the sentences. Look at A, B and C to help yous.

i. A 39-year-one-time man presented with a history of ��������. intestinal distention over a period of 6 months.

2. Blindness may be caused by vitamin A ������� .

three. The bleeding and purpura are caused by abnormal ������. office.

4. The white cell count is normal and then nosotros can ������ acute leukaemia.

5. The yellowish colour of her skin and conjunctivae is probably due to �������. .

six. There was a �����.. mass in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen.

seven. Treatment is aimed at restoring fluid balance with ��������. intravenous fluids.

8. The anaemia may be due to increased reddish cell �������. .

iv.Consummate the conversation. Expect at C to help you.

Professor: What is confronting the diagnosis of pernicious anaemia on physical examination?

Student: The problem started quite suddenly. And so information technology didn't have the typical (1) �����..��������.. .He doesn't have whatever pare (2) �����.��. and he doesn't take (three) ��.����.. paraesthesiae, or absent (4) ��������. sense, and I couldn't feel his spleen.

Professor: What about his natural language?

Student: His tongue was normal and not inflamed or (5) ������ .

platelet [ˊpleıtlıt] �������� ���������


pernicious [pә:ˊnıʃәs] ���������������

mucosa� ��������� ��������

ataxia [ә'tæksıә] �������, ������������� � ����������� ����

amplification � ����������, �������/ ��������� ���������� ��� �������

purpura - �y����� (������������� � ����)

Unit 8 Bones


Some common English names for bones:

English name Anatomical proper noun Russian name
skull attic /`kreınjǝm/ �����
jaw bone mandible /`mændıbl/ ������ �������
spine vertebral column �����������
breastbone sternum /`stǝ:nǝm/ �������
rib costa �����
collarbone clavicle /`klævıkl/ �������
shoulder blade scapula /`skæpjulǝ/ �������
thigh bone femur /`fɪ:mǝ/ �����
knee joint cap patella �������� �������
shinbone tibia /`tıbıǝ/ fibula /`fɪbjulǝ/ �������������� ����� ������������ �����


A fracture is a break in a os. Some of different types of fracture:

greenstick displaced comminuted impacted open(compound)

A pathological fractureis a fracture in a diseased bone. A fatigueor stress fractureis due to repeated minor trauma, for example long-distance marching or running.

Handling of fractures

When the fragments of a broken bone heal and join together, they unite. Union may exist promoted, or helped, by reducing the fracture � replacing the fragments in their anatomical position if the are displaced. Afterward reduction, excessive motion of the cleaved bone is prevented by fixation � either, for example a splint or a plaster of Paris bandage, or internal, for example a pin or plate and screws. A displaced fracture which is not reduced may issue in malunion � incomplete or incorrect union.

Note:The verb reduce has several meanings in medicine:

● to make smaller � I call back we�d better reduce the dose of your tablets.

● (in surgery) to return to anatomical position � A hernia can normally be reduced by manipulation.

● (in chemical science) to remove oxygen or add together hydrogen � Nitric acid is a reducing agent(��������������)

to reduce���������(�����)

���������� ��������� �������� �����


ane. Label the diagram using words from the box. Look at A to aid you lot.

breastbone collarbone jaw bone kneecap rib shinbone shoulder bract skull spine thigh bone

ii. Lucifer the types of fractures (one-5) with the description (a-e). Expect at B to help you.

1. open

2. comminuted

3. displaced

4. greenstick

5. impacted

a At that place is a break in the skin.

b The bone is bent. It occurs mainly in children.

c The bone is broken into several pieces.

d The broken pieces are separated.

e The broken pieces are pushed together.

3.Consummate the textbook extract. Wait at C to help y'all.

(1)��������.a fracture involves trying to return the bones to every bit near to their original position as possible. If a fracture is allowed to heal in a displaced position the fracture will (two)��������but it may go on to (three)����

���� ����������: 2014-xi-13; ����������: 53; ��������� ��������� ����


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