
How To Repair Damaged Metabolism

How To Fix A Damaged Metabolism

A damaged metabolism is usually acquired from starving yourself (i.e eating super low calorie – annihilation less than 1200 calories), or can also be caused by losing weight as well quickly. This can also lead to y'all losing your menstruum or having irregular menstrual cycles.

Starving yourself can actually backfire in terms of weight loss. If you take starved yourself, this blazon of diet is non maintainable, and eventually you lot volition need to eat more nutrient again. When yous do, yous are more likely to gain weight quicker and it really makes it more difficult for you to lose any weight in the future.

If you are trying to lose weight, only are struggling due to a damaged metabolism, the main goal should be to try and increment your food intake without gaining weight.

If you are trying to gain some weight and fix a damaged metabolism, information technology's a niggling easier, every bit you should just focus on eating more!

Then here is what I suggest on how to fix a damaged metabolism.


Most women who take gone downwardly the starvation path still desire to lose weight, merely are struggling considering their damaged metabolism is causing the body to store fat.

How much yous should be eating depends on how much you lot're currently eating. Jumping straight upwardly to say 1500 calories later eating 800 calories for a long menstruation of time may come across yous gain weight. You need to increment your calorie intake slowly. By slowly I mean 100 calories every couple of weeks. Keep adding calories until you reach 1200 calories per day – this is the absolute minimum for a female person.

After you take reached 1200 calories, calculate how many calories your trunk needs – I have a blog post which will assistance you calculate your daily calorie intake. If y'all need say 1500 calories, keep calculation calories slowly until you lot reach your platonic calorie intake.

Please exist aware though that fixing a damaged metabolism will take a pregnant amount of time, and the longer yous have been eating at a severe calorie restriction, the longer it will accept.


You should exist trying to swallow smaller meals, every 3 hours. Your most important meal should be breakfast – you MUST swallow it!

Overnight when you lot oasis't eaten whatever food for a longer period of time, your body goes into a mini starvation fashion, so it is best to endeavour and eat within 1 60 minutes of waking upwardly.

You should as well make sure your post conditioning repast is substantial.

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The principal focus of your diet should be healthy, whole foods and lots of vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and protein.

If you have had a astringent starvation nutrition and completely avoided carbs in the past, it is best to re-introduce carbs into your diet slowly. I don't recommend counting calories or macros as this tin atomic number 82 to farther issues with food, but just exist mindful of how many carbs you lot're eating.

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The best type of exercise to help boost your metabolism is resistance training and High Intensity Interval Preparation (HIIT). Both of these exercises will keep your metabolism boosted for several hours post workout. They will build muscle, but this is a skillful thing if you lot are trying to increment your metabolism.

You can bank check out some of my resistance grooming and HIIT routines here.

If yous are trying to lose weight with a damaged metabolism, I would focus more on HIIT and add in a small amount of cardio that gets your heart rate up – running, cycling, swimming, etc. Simply only exist careful non to overdo information technology with cardio, every bit this can make things worse.

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If you are trying to gain weight, I would focus more on resistance training and HIIT and avoid cardio.

If yous accept already tried all of these things and are nonetheless having issues, it might exist worthwhile having a workout and diet program written exactly for You lot, and seeing a dietician or nutritionist.

I wish you all the best! xx

Rachael is an Australian born certified personal trainer and nutritionist who holds a Bachelor degree in Science.

After struggling for years to notice an practise and diet program that is tailored to women striving for lean and toned body with no majority she designed her Lean Legs Program. This plan is tailored to each torso type and focused on helping women get toned but feminine bodies, without getting bulky.

Her mission is to empower women and help them stay in shape in a salubrious and counterbalanced fashion.


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